Dumpers (wet)

The dumpers are used to empty bins into water without damaging the fruits. There are various possibilities, depending on the type of fruits and required capacity. The dumpers are modular and flexible.


  • iDA is a dumper for floating fruits, such as apples
  • iDAP is a dumper for floating and sinking fruits, such as pears
  • iDA-X is a dumper for floating fruits with a (de-)stacking unit
  • iDA-XR is a dumper for floating fruits with a (de-)stacking unit and a rotating device in the bin clamp for a higher capacity
  • iDAP-XR is a dumper for floating and sinking fruits with a (de-)stacking unit and a rotating device in the bin clamp for a higher capacity


  • Easy to modify
  • Fruit-friendly
  • Simple construction
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